Voted BEST OF THE COAST 2023, 2021 & RUNNER UP 2022!

Integrating Spirituality & Sex in Relationships – Tamara’s Interview with The Spiritual Voice Podcast

Recently I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Pol Cousineau of The Spiritual Voice.

Pol is a Shamanic Practitioner with a background in meditation, states of consciousness and business as a Certified Professional Accountant auditor (Quebec).

He started The Spiritual Voice with “Ldwain” Craig Nelson Jr, a certified alchemist holding a PhD in Psycho-Spiritual Therapy.

Both of these men are treasure troves of knowledge and experience in all this awesome and I LOVE their energy and intuitive approach to things.

When Ldwain reached out through social media to ask if I’d be interested in being a guest expert on their show, y’all know I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to talk about my FAVE subjects – spirituality and sex!

Sex lies at the root of life, and it is crucial that we learn reverence for it. – Margot Anand

God and sex

When sexuality is grounded in spirituality, embedded in a commitment to truth and understanding, it becomes an ongoing exploration, a deepening of knowing. This takes people to that mystical “us” place, where the unique alchemy of two becomes one.

As Martin Buber says in I and Thou, it’s not about the blood that circulates in my veins or yours, it’s about the air that moves between us. – Dr. Charlotte Kasal

In This Podversation You’ll Hear:

  • What brought me to explore these topics in the first place
  • Why your spiritual worldview affects your sex life
  • How to start exploring where your spirituality intersects with your sexual habits
  • How to begin opening a dialogue with your partner about these subjects
  • How to develop trust in your sex life so you can play uninhibitedly
  • Building a positive interfaith relationship/ family
  • My thoughts on exploring spiritual paths that are not your own
  • Why I describe myself as “pan-spiritual”
  • The value of “after sex care”
  • How to give feedback on sex
  • Practical tips to keep sex hot in a long-term relationship

Click the audio player below to hear the interview:

Or listen online here:

Direct download of the episode available here.

If you’ve enjoyed this conversation:

Please consider subscribing to The Spiritual Voice on iTunes, leaving them a 5 star review, or commenting to let Pol & Ldwain know you appreciated the material we delivered. You may also email them at: or

Or follow them on Facebook.

We would also be honored if you shared this on your own social media or with someone you feel could benefit from hearing this message. <3

And of course, if you could use a little extra spice in your own relationship or spiritual path, I’d be thrilled to connect in person. See how you might connect with me below. ~ Tamara

Additional Resources:

About Tamara Powell:

marriage counselor PensacolaTamara Powell, LMHC is the founder of Arya Therapy Services, a counseling and coaching clinic in Pensacola, FL that also offers services globally ONLINE.

She is a relationship therapist and empowerment coach and is Arya’s resident “identity and intimacy guru” with specialties in gender, sexual, erotic, and relational diversity (GSERD) including polyamory and kink. If you’re interested in working with her, you can learn more about her services here or book a session with her here.

©Arya Therapy Services, 2016. All rights reserved.

  1. […] in existential crisis, kink lovers from Abrahamic faiths (i.e., Judaism, Christianity, & Islam) struggling to reconcile their cravings with sacred texts, as well as New Thought followers who embrace, yet are sometimes overwhelmed at the idea of being […]

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